In other words the "vaccines" are working as designed.

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They are going to extinct us.

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Jesus said that if he did not come back to intervene things will get so bad all life on Earth would cease.

I think we have only a decade or two before the end.

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This story is keeping humanity backwards. We caused the mess, men mostly, and we can fix the mess. We are very familiar with savagery, barbarity and we have been kept very retarded. We don't even know our own body. We don't even know how to talk to our neighbor. We don't even know how to bring up healthy children. We don't even believe in body autonomy. There is no skydaddy that can fix and any stories that anyone would appear were all part of the ruse to keep us stupid, to keep us waiting, to keep us from the truth which is - everything is issued by the sovereign. That is the source. You are the source of the life that is brought to you, and I am the source of the life that is brought to me. We create what we visualize and things like that which we call occult knowledge. Occult is only hidden knowledge but once it's out, it's not hidden anymore. And it has come out now and they are trying to stuff it back into the bottle. They being the ones who kept the knowledge hidden.

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"men mostly"

Come on now.....Sounds like a femi-Nazi world view that denies reality.

People fall for the "divide and conquer" rather then objectively seeing the facts.

This has nothing to do with men but rather the actions of women.....

Because women almost always choose government promised "security" over liberty, we are as enslaved as we are. (and I' put most feminized modern men into this camp also)

If women cared about liberty at all this would not be happening.

As far as it being men leaders that caused this.

We have a current crop of female leaders in NZ, OZ and Germany that make Adolph Hitler look like a boy scout in caparison.

This has much less to do with men in leadership, than the values (or lack thereof) that women (and feminized men) are concerned about.

They constantly choose slavery (promised safety) over liberty.

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You're only seeing half the equation and that is because men tend to not challenge themselves to look inward. So why aren't there armies of women? Why do men hold probably 99% of the weapons? There is no law that prohibits weapons to women in particular, but why then don't women take on guns at the same ratio?

Women have never stopped men from an education or public life or wearing what they want but men do it all the time. And did do it to women for eons. It's only been about 200 years since women were "allowed" to get an education. To "make it" in the world women had to go into the workforce a totally male-construed framework. There was never anything in it for women but now a few women are starting to see that it's all a male framework from the calendar to the way we are taught in schools, from the language to the economy - it all is male-designed. Women yes, have gone along. And some of us now don't want to anymore. But the man's system doesn't give any option to get out of it. In fact it continues to force compliance. Now even men are as dictated to as women.

This dominating energy is never satiated. It's not a competition ok - this is about freeing ourselves. You can name female leaders it matters not a whit - they all lead within the male framework. They don't know they do this. Even feminism is a male-concocted idea. I can tell you they do not accept the likes of me. They want a place at the mans' table, I say let's just make a new table with men and women and boys and girls and change the world by making software that enables everyone to have as much say as they please, to make proposals and to vote. Leadership is also a male idea. We have almost lost the feminine mind. and because of that, our entire species is threatened and nothing works in the world. This is the reason - imbalance of the masculine and the feminine. We don't need all those government buildings. What would you like to see them go to when we create our own system of decision-making?

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Sorry but I see a huge amount of femi nazi bias of reality.

This is not really about gender at all but you seem to want to keep making it so.....

Hey why not throw in something about race while you are at it?

The discussion should revolve about nothing other than Natural Law because ignorance of it is the root problem here.

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Law is totally man-made just by adding "natural" to it doesn't make it any more real. The very idea of law is a conjured idea, no such thing exists. People say gravity is a law but no it isn't. Because law implies that there is someone to enforce it. Gravity is a cause. You can't call it a law because you can't even describe it. You may want to talk about natural law and nothing is stopping you. Am I stopping you? But you want to stop me about talking about what I see as the real problem in society. And how could it not be? Men coined the language even. Men like war, violence, guns, weapons, recklessness, noise, poisons. We never look at the differences and men have benefited from the unvalued work that women do - the cleaning, the caring, the designing, the creating. Notice the times we see guns in movies. Notice the times we see mothers breastfeeding their infants. It's never seen! Yet guns are dangerous, vile, the whole notion that someone with a weapon can lord it over someone without one is just beyond words of expression. But let's just forget about all that. Let's just pretend that men and women are the same, alike. And go on in this deranged world of guns and sports and hunts and greed and no self-reflection.

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That is the "other narrative", heavily assumed but rarely stated. I appreciate your writing it out in a form suitable for examination, rather than leaving it as an unconscious assumption.

Your point about a "skydaddy" fixer is well taken. I'm afraid that that is the kind of notion many people hold, although possibly not so many anymore that it would be "keeping humanity backwards". The same risk exists with the widely accepted narrative that you present, by the way, should it prove incorrect.

It is not irrational to posit that we and our world were designed and created, when we can see that we engage in these kinds of activities ourselves. It would be a form of "like produces like". People often go beyond that, however, attributing motives and assuming that whatever they dream up about it must be true.

Truth is something to be sought after, not something to be dreamed up. It is a difficult path to follow.

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"Men Mostly"... tsk... Come on now, I could go on for half a century about how women have contributed to our predicament but I don't, because it's not about that, not REALLY. You're not being helpful in any way by pointing the finger at one gender or another, just adding to the division.

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Don't worry about what I am being. I made a statement that has all the backup you could want. Don't fob me off show me where women have contributed to our predicament in any way that compares. Sure women are not saints, they go along but you need to look at what the things men do to others and to the earth. Men brandish weapons and make war a sport. Look at the ratios of men to women that do this. And also notice who does most of the caring in this world. It actually peeves me when men think that we are equivalent. Men are so unaware of themselves it would be funny if it weren't so tragic for everyone, including the men and all the creatures that live on the earth. Sure let's not talk about it, let's just let it go and keep on with mens' wars and violence and keep going like we are because we're all having so much fun.

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I saw a study that found middle aged and older women were the #1 group pushing for vaccines and masks. There a a lot of women with guns in the states, far more than 1%. Get your information from studies, not ideological Women or Gender Studies in University.

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You saw a study hey? Well then it must be true right? You don't need to see a study to know that yes women are the ones who push vaccines and masks the most. But when it comes to guns, you think there is an equivalence do you withthe amount of men who have guns? Even to state that it is higher than 1%, shows the discrepancy. What if it's 5% - that is still a tiny ratio but I bet if you counted the number of guns even those women have it would be perhaps one compared to how many individual men own. Ratios matter. But men's minds don't seem to be able to discern ratios. Only either/or - either they have them (therefore there's no difference) or they don't have them, which to your mind is the only way there is a difference. This is the kind of "logic" men often use to hide how much more violent they really are. Try to understand the concept rather than shoot from the ego. And if you think I am a feminist you are dead wrong again. I look at logic and see all the time that men tend to react defensively whenever they hear anything that calls them out.

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That's rather a myopic view you have there - I advise you to take a few steps back and look at the big picture. "Don't fob me off" - ahh, you're one of those eh? Enjoy your victim mentality anger drama :)

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I advise you to speak to me as a sovereign and not as my father. Why is it myopic? You give no substance to your statements. And you justify yourself by then giving me a cracked up psychological analysis when you have no clue who I am. This is another example of how men assume without asking questions. And get all defensive and don't stick to the issue but attack the woman. This is classic patriarchal programming. I know you don't know about it and now you should. It is very insidious and it is destroying us. So you couldn't respond to the substance I provided about men and their wars huh?

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The whole raft of laws and regulations that have been put in place about so-called compassion and inclusion are really all about population reduction.

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Yes they are about population control Neavei Isaac, are but that misses the central and most important point here:

The government, nor anyone else for that matter, does not right to violate Natural Law, or the Constitution no matter how noble, compassionate, or needed the laws or regulations are said to be.

You sound as if it would be valid IF the "laws" were about compassion.

That is not the case and they are invalid regardless of any compassionate intent.

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You can bet on it with the Satanic version of Romans 13 that our "churches" are preaching.....

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Almighty God told us there will be on earth as in heaven. ❤️🙏

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You are a liar

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All the laws about the whole miasma of gender confusion are really about population reduction.

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Why would you accuse Isaac of lying, what are your qualifications???? Why not have the guts or courage to read what Yashuah /Jesus said?

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Only if we go along with it.

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When man plays God, all hell breaks loose.

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Ever hear of the concept of "moral relativism"?

Most so called Christians are playing God and they are so dumb that the don't even realize it.....


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I know isn't it mind boggling. Christians are actually believing in satanism and carrying out satanistic rituals. I call satanism anything that leads to decay or destruction. It is an energy. It must exist in order to decompose matter. But it has gone way out of proportion due to the imbalance of the masculine and feminine. The energy that balances it is the creative energy, the energy that builds and elevates life.

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What you call "Satanism" Denise is just the fake Hollywood version of Satanism that real Satanists want the not too bright Christians to have a false belief of what Satanism is.

This accomplishes a lot of things.....

Number one Christians are incapable of recognizing Satanism right in front of their faces, and often support it!!

A prime example of this is the almost universal acceptance and support of the 10 planks of the (Satanic) Communist Manifesto in the Modern Christian Church.


On top of that most "Christians" are actually de-facto Satanists, in that they to one degree or another believe in and practice the 4 main planks of the Church of Satan!

Watch this if you doubt what I am saying:


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As he said: This is very disturbing, very disturbing.

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You know what is most disturbing? That everyone around us, the people we walk amongst, took that stupid jab without even asking what's in it. They even forced it on their children, on their employees, and on each other. It's absolutely bizarre and anyone who took the jab really needs to do some self reflection. And this is nature's way of cleansing the gene pool. If humans are THAT stupid, then they take themselves out by their own choice. In a way it's kind of beautiful. These humans are who have enabled maniacs, inbreds and barbarians to rule populations. It's only by keeping the sheeple asleeple that this all happens.

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Yes, first I was worried too, but then I learned to love the weapon! "The Cull of the Ages" via vaccination is not only necessary, but also very beautiful and elegant. Just think about how humane it is! The idiots are marching to their grave without any resistance and serious conflict. In previous times we would have needed a big war, with a lot of infrastructural damage and pollution to achieve this level of decarbonization of the morons. But look how clean it is now! It is not only an effective population reduction scheme, but also an IQ test at the same time. I can only marvel at its genius!


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I think this is a misunderstanding: sperm is not "replaced" by the spike protein.

Production of the spike protein (or rather: presentation of the spike protein by the producing cells) leads to immune reactions of the body against these cells. As the spermatogenic tissue is highly active and seemingly in these cases is producing a lot of spike protein this will induce immune reactions against these cells: they will be killed by the immune system which leads to biochemical sterilization.

Also, the spike proteins themselves induce the fusion of neighboring cells to "syncytia" that will in turn lead to programmed cell death for the affected cells. In the end these testes will cease to produce new sperm cells because the spermatogenic tissue is killed by spike proteins and by the immune system.

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Good points, from my understanding instructions from the "jab" are not always "switched" off as they led us to believe then sperm has been altered to now become a spike producing factory but it is not sperm anymore (it is now doing what the jab instructed not what nature intended)?

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Thank you. Could you please ask bound on whether or not this also affects seminal fluid that doesn’t contain sperm such as those of people who’ve had vasectomies and how that may affect their partners with him they’ve had unprotected sex overtime? So many people are asking about this, but I have no answers.

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Who is asking THIS? :-D

Honestly: I do not know for sure. But I would not exclude the possibility that spike protein can also be found in the fluid. Better safe than sorry.

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Detox if u can. NAC, Benzonite clay, look up @DrRobertYoung

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Post Covid Jab Recovery Protocol

To aid those tricked/coerced into getting the jab/those suffering post exposure to the jabbed, I have done my best to compile a Jab Recovery Protocol from the various sources I have seen recently: https://www.tomgrimshaw.com/tomsblog/?p=35644

Hope it helps!

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Thanks for compiling this. I'm keeping it as a reference.

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Check out Tony pantalleresco on podbeam he's the authority on how to detox from nano

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How is the "spike protein" tested for.? Has the reagent used to detect spike protein been tested to see of it reacts to other proteins? Have spike protein tests been developed using proteins that have actually come from a living human, rather than a synthesized test tube protein (as it the case in published literature)? How were these slides stained / produced - are there artifacts that this process may introduce? There are so many assumptions, flaws and errors in this "molecular" biology it is no wonder that we have a poisonous so-called vaccine. "Believing" any of this "science" is based on proven premises has got us to where we are today.

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In the examples Prof. Burkhardt shows in his presentations it is usually by "staining" by the help of antibodies. This is a quite specific way of testing.

There is not as much "believing" in molecular biology as you think.

Of course the fact that things cannot be seen directly makes it easy to lie to people (as obviously has been done during the pandemic). But there was a lot of bad science and scientific fraud involved.

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have the antibodies been tested to see what other antigens they react to? Or is it just assumed they only react to spike protein? If not - how can you know the antiboides are specific to that protein?

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this is why we have introduced safereproduction.net recently - the first ever website dedicated to mRNA free sperm and egg donors :-)

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Dr Burkhardt is one person's voice and opinion. Science would need to confirm his hypothesis and until studies are done by reputable other scientists, I would say this is an opinion and thats all. To be honest, it would not require much work to get sperm samples from both vaxxed and unvaxxed to compare and get to the truth. It would seem like a perfect project for some university dedicated to scientific truth.

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Denise is letting her mythology determine her grasp of reality.

Well, in due course we will all see truth.

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It's actually a combination of the jab and wireless radiation. Research.

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Does anyone know if this includes seminal fluid that does not contain sperm, such as that of someone who’s had a vasectomy? I am sure that many people would like to know this. Thank you.

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The Great Dieoff is well under way.

The target is to reduce world population to less than one billion.

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Who needs sperm?

It was on it's way out due to a toxic environment anyways.....

This is just the latest assault on the viability of the human race.

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