This was pre-09/11...Back when most people were still indoctrinated/brainwashed even though the Establishment was acting in ways to make itself known since JFK's death. Some of us were too young at that time to even remotely consider what is now patently obvious.

What an atrocious and unforgiveable circumstance for Officer Yeakey and his Family and Friends, Co-Workers...It's going to end with there being hell to pay...And, THAT DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MURDER OF SUCH A GOOD AND DECENT MAN.

Since Lincoln's assassination; there's been entirely too much hidden and covered-up; SHIELDING EVIL. Time to clean house and get through all the Paperwork outlining generations of guilt. Allow the chips to fall where they may...Including Execution for evil.

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When psyops occur everything that is told us must be subjected to scrutiny and we should also vet for a False Dilemma propaganda strategy.

What says that the Oklahoma bombing wasn't a fully evacuated bombing?

What says that the story of Terrance Yeakey isn't part of Story B forming part of a False Dilemma propaganda strategy ...

Story A. Lone nut

Story B. US govt

Reality C. US govt but evacuated bombing

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