Biblically speaking, modern medicine is a form of sorcery, although I'm in doubt that the qualifier "modern" is required. It's not so modern after all. Poisons and spells. Other forms would likely involve the agricultural and chemical industries.

Those actual churches where people believe that modern medicine is their healer and deliverer perhaps should pay attention to Paul's warning in Galatians 5:20-21, though the "pharma-" prefix in φαρμακεία (2nd word of v. 20 in the Greek) is lost in translation. The prefix appears altogether in three words in five places in the NT, and is never cast in a good way.

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The "ritual" of vaccines for children is very strong! Obviously we all seen this with COVID, but for those of us that have been pushing back against this for a long time now it was everything we already knew on a larger scale. Trying to make an informed decision regarding my son when he was born let me see true "mind control" with members of my own family just like, "the Matrix" movie. My own mother was the hardest window to open so to speak, but once the light was let in she realized it like Roddy Piper putting glasses on that guy in the alley after that classic fight in "they live"... I think its the use of Human diploid-cells (aborted babies) in the vaccine that allows for a kinda demonic possession. Anyone can become an "agent" right... All very troubling. Eustace Mullins book, "murder by injection" is a great book I think I'll read again.

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