Has anyone considered the negative impacts that will spin out of all these new mRNA experiments?

Should we wait till people start drinking the toxic milk from these cows?

Some how I feel, we are all being poisoned and they will kill us: hook or crook.

The human mothers have already experienced their worst nightmares.

One of a million examples: https://t.me/died_suddenly/758

"Another avenue of potential toxicity." Dr. Stanton Hom

Baby Alexander was born January 3rd at 11:09 pm. I noticed he was having difficulties breathing and would often choke. After one such episode, a nurse rushed him away, and in subsequent x-rays and ultrasounds, it was discovered that he had tracheoesophageal fistula, and Double Outlet Right Ventricle. Since neonatal heart surgeons are rare, he had to be life-flighted to Sacred Heart Children's Hospital in Spokane, WA.

Final update. They gave him a blood transfusion and ignored our requests for directed donation until too late. Within days of the transfusion, he developed an enormous clot that eventually stretched from his left knee, all the way to his heart. The MRSA colonized the blood clot and no amount of medication nor antibiotics could shrink the clot or remove the infection. He rapidly went downhill, and died at 6:45 Thursday evening, 02-17-2022.

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This isn’t going to to end well 🤦🏻‍♂️ they will stop at nothing to inflict more pain and suffering on us 🤬

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Dear Heavenly Father please protect those fighting to do your will.Continue to bring things of the Dark into the Light.Please allow us to see justice now, here on Earth. Thank you for loving and forgiving us.Please use us for your Glory.In Jesus name

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This has been happening since the 90's. They just never come out with it and tell people. Dolly's predecessors were cloned in the late 70's way before Dolly "was cloned in the 90's" and I know that for a fact. We have been eating cloned meat since 2008 when the USDA passed the law allowing for cloned meat to hit supermarkets and not be marked differently from other meat.....Problem is that just about all cloned meat animals have multiple organ failure and don't live long healthy lives as they should. We haven't perfected shit yet, but we are always ready to make a buck and the consequences to others are irrelevant when monetary gain is involved. Age old story that repeats over and over again.

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Give up dairy it is a cruel industry anyway. Cows have been inoculated for all sorts of things for years, this just ads to the poison you are consuming. You do not need dairy to live a healthy life, and please don't look for "plant" substitutes, all processed food is unhealthy. Eat as nature intended and grow as much as you can and shop at farmers markets. And buy organic pesticide free.

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My quick search shows that they're developing these mRNA vaccines to be mandated next year. Apparently to combat Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease in cattle. I had never heard of the latter but found out from below article that a recent outbreak of LSD started in Uttar Pradesh, India. Now that name rings a bell. Wasn't that the Indian province that had the lowest jab rate and first to effectively eradicate convid with early at-home treatments and ivermectin. My curious mind now wonders if they already started jabbing their livestock with this mRNA shit? Maybe deliberately as Indian's use lots of dairy in their chai, paneer cheese and who knows this may be the new way to get this shit into humans? More research needed but alarm bells definitely going off when noticing this pattern and connecting the dots...

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When has this started? Is the meat/milk etc already on the shelves, if we consumed diary/meat in the past month, is it possible that it was already there?

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for which disease is this mrna-vaccine?

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